
Don’t Let Your Guard Down Online

A spate of recent stories in the news reinforces the importance of not going it alone when it comes to protecting yourself online. Whether you’re using the internet for business or pleasure, you can’t take your cybersecurity for granted – you need to proactively engage the services of the experts

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Phishing Attack: Are You The Lucky Winner?

Although Phishing Attacks are Evolving Every Day, the Old-school Tricks Still Work.  We are easily tempted to click on the “Lucky Winner” pop-up because we are hoping we might hit that big lottery someday and that’s exactly why hackers still use this trick. The funny thing is if you haven’t

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Cybersecurity Checklist for the New Year

Whether you’re running a mom-and-pop shop or a multi-billion multinational business, every organization needs to be acutely aware of their cybersecurity needs. No matter your size, you rely on technology for many reasons: to increase productivity, hold onto and expand market share, comply with regulations and measure and strengthen customer

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Holiday Greetings from your Friends at Kobargo

It’s been another great year for Kobargo Technology Partners. In 2018, you once again helped us live up to our guiding principles: Helping our peers and extending a hand to those in need, which is a reward in and of itself, but one with residual effects that pay dividends that

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Pay Attention to These Digital Trends in 2019

As an award-winning IT service provider, part of our mission here at Kobargo Technology Partners is to keep abreast of digital trends in the constantly evolving digital world. As 2018 draws to a close, we’d like to break out our crystal ball and share some predictions for what we think

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Don’t Forget Cybersecurity This Holiday Season

Cybersecurity-Americans spent almost $8-billion on Cyber Monday – up almost 20-percent over last year – and so far in 2018, consumers have spent just short of $59-billion this Holiday season – and it’s not even December yet. Much of that record-setting amount of money will be spent on gadgets for

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Make Sure Your Cybersecurity is Tight With Kobargo

Make Sure Your Cybersecurity is Tight With Kobargo. The old adage tells us there are two things in life which are inevitable: death and taxes.  In today’s digital environment, we should add a third item to that list of things we can’t avoid: cyberattacks. While you might think they are a

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Security "of" the Cloud vs Security "in" the Cloud

There are plenty of good reasons to move to the cloud such as reducing hardware and software costs, recovering valuable office space used to store hardware, scaling compute and storage resources and only paying for what you use. These are just some of the advantages of leveraging the cloud. But

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Using a public Wi-Fi network? Stay cyber-secure with these tips!

Who doesn’t love the convenience of Wi-Fi hotspots in coffee shops, libraries, airports, hotels, universities, and other public places? Problem is, oftentimes they’re not secure. If you send information through websites or mobile apps while connected to a public Wi-Fi network, that information is vulnerable to cyber-criminals. An imposter could

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